Blackout: How Black America Can Make Its Second Escape from the Democrat Plantation, by Candice Owens


Candice Owens has written a well-researched, articulate book about how to truly save Black Americans from the well-meaning, good intentioned, and highly destructive policies and plans offered by the Democrat party. She documents, in eleven chapters covering family, feminism, socialism, education, media, faith and culture, the history of the Democrat party’s relationship with Black citizens. She accuses Democrats of creating a social-political system that has destroyed Black families, demotivates Black men from being the responsible leaders of their families, demotivates Black children from academic achievement, and demotivates Black citizens from taking personal responsibility for their economic futures. This process is in full swing today, creating a victim culture for Black people, furthered by Antifa and Black Lives Matter.

Owens has done careful research, and presents the actual evidence supporting each claim, not simply making emotional appeals and bold accusations based on only opinion, as I observe on “news” shows these days, like CNN and MSNBC. She details the historical roots of Democrat plans to assure the loyal voting support of Black citizens, such as LBJ’s Great Society plan, to guarantee Democrats the Black vote in perpetuity (I will not repeat his racist, inflammatory language, which is well documented elsewhere.) The Democrat party has its roots in post-Civil War Reconstruction, the Ku Klux Klan, Dixiecrat Black voter suppression, and Jim Crow laws. When intimidation worked, they used that tactic. When buying Black voter loyalty was needed, Great Society programs were developed, essentially harming Black family structure and Black work ethic and entrepreneurial spirit. Finally, by creating a victim culture, making citizens believe they are entitled to free everything as a result of events four hundred years ago, Democrats have created another destructive, pandering mindset to harm Black citizens in exchange for political power.

I urge everyone to read this book. If you genuinely care for all citizens, if you want to understand the destructiveness of free everything, of socialism, of how Democrats want to replace reliance on faith and God with reliance on the state, on why we must preserve and defend the family, I urge you to read this book. Owens has written a tour de force that has great relevance to this moment, now. Must read.