The Authoritarian Moment: How the Left Weaponized America's Institutions Against Dissent, by Ben Shapiro


We’ve heard so much about the rise of American fascism during Donald Trump’s administration, and how right wing authoritarianism is such a great threat to our democracy, exemplified by the January 6 attack on the Capital. What if the real threat to our democracy is left wing radicalism? Don’t you miss a time when you could have a reasonable discussion, a difference of opinion at a barbecue, and still be friends and go to a ball game together? When political views could differ, be an interesting conversation, and not feel you are threatening someone, or being threatened? Do you remember a time before “micro aggressions”, and when colleges really challenged your assumptions and taught you how to debate, write, and argue? A time when we were all allowed to express an opinion, and didn’t have to have a particular faith, color, or political party affiliation to do so? Ben Shapiro makes the argument in his book that the Obama years were integral to changing all of that, and provides evidence in his book for how and why that change happened.

Shapiro takes you step by step, providing the evidence for how the moderate majority, both conservative and liberal, were silenced; how the radical left has taken control of politics, science, corporations, entertainment, and social and news media, politicizing each aspect of society and culture. What I especially like is the evidence Shapiro provides; he isn’t simply giving you his opinions (although there is that as well), but providing both data and anecdotal evidence of these shifts. These are not shifts in majority opinions and views. Rather, he contends that there is a vociferous minority that has driven the vast majority into silent submission, in fear of being cancelled, losing employment and place in society.

Shapiro offers a strategy for fighting back to restore balance, which certainly requires courage. Refuse diversity training, taking your employer to court. Formally lobby to include political views under anti-discrimination laws. Speak up and fight back when you see others cancelled. Do all with kindness and directness. Don’t try to be courteous and stay quiet when others are wrongfully shut down. You can watch YouTube videos of Ben Shapiro taking questions after speaking at colleges, and he exemplifies kind, courteous directness. We can’t all be as eloquent as he is, but we must restore healthy debate in our nation. We must do this for our children and grand children. Highly recommended.